subota, 4. veljače 2012.

Express your feelings in briefly through facebook emoticons

In case you are on facebook, then you might be aware of how emoticons help make your chat more communicative and interesting. Started with simple smiley faces, the facebook emoticons have undergone a big transformation, and you can find various emoticons, which are animated and features better graphics. Beginning with text smileys to the graphic ones, you will find most of them while chatting on Facebook. You can also find codes of the emoticons online and can simply copy them while chatting with your buddies on Facebook. These add some fun to the messages and make them interesting.

When it comes to the list of popular facebook emoticons, the list quiet long. Heart is among the most popular emoticons used by Facebook users. This romantic emoticon is used to show gratitude and love to your friends and close relatives or anyone special. By applying this emoticon one can surely impress the recipients. The direct code for inserting this emoticon is <3. Once you type in the code, the heart emoticon will crop up itself and you can easily make use of it in your message. Such emoticons could be useful in conveying your emotions in a short and sweet way.

A number of the classic facebook emoticons, that are well-liked until now include the Smile, Wink, Kiss, Frown, Grumpy, Tongue, Devil, Pacman, etc. Even though, you will find new and graphically improved emoticons and smileys nowadays, though, the magic of the classic emoticons has has not gone away. If you wish to make your chats and messages a little different, then the Pacman emoticon can be the best way to do so. You can paste this emoticon by typing :v on the chat screen and the emoticon will show instantly. With this emoticon, you can bring the retro feel to your messages.

As far as facebook emoticons are concerned, the Angel is one another the classic and most popular emoticons from a long time. The Angel is probably the most pleasing and beautiful emoticons on Facebook, which you\'ll insert in your chats. Putting in this emoticon is also very easy, as you just need to type o:), or o:-). These emoticons provide the missing element to your messages and can also shows off your nature and feelings through their marvelous looks. You can also download these emoticons to your system and then use them while chatting.

Some of the latest facebook emoticons include the Shark emoticon, the Penguin emoticon, the new Kiss emoticon and Woot emoticon. The Shark emoticon has also become popular in the recent times. Instead of its scary looks, this emoticon has astounded many users. For a nice look, what can be better than the penguin emoticon? This emoticon shows a very cute penguin, which can be used very easily into your chats. The code for this emoticon is <(\") and you can type the code to send this emoticons to your friends. If you think something strange or weird you'll be able to express your feeling by using the the Woot emoticon instead of typing a long sentence.

utorak, 31. siječnja 2012.

How To Use Your Own Emoticons In Facebook Chat

Facebook recently enabled its customers Chat embed small images of people or web pages "profile pictures in the course of the conversation. Simply put your profile ID (string of numbers like 55,663,117,421) or username from mutual friends or a public site between double parentheses, as a send off a message code will automatically transform into emoticon images. You can try if you want it. Just type some profile id

It did not take long for creative users to understand that from now on, any image can be used as a "chat emoticon" simply by creating a Facebook page and adding the desired image as a profile. Grab the page ID and off you go! Obviously, the anger faces were among the first images to be converted into custom emoticons. Here's an overview of currently available face rage and codes for use in Facebook Chat (via Reddit)
Troll face: [[171108522930776]]
ARE YOU F****NG KIDDING ME: [[143220739082110]]
Me Gusta: [[211782832186415]]
Mother of God: [[142670085793927]]
Cereal Guy: [[170815706323196]]
LOL Face: [[168456309878025]]
NO Guy: [[167359756658519]]
Yao Ming: [[218595638164996]]
Derp: [[224812970902314]]
Derpina: [[192644604154319]]
Forever Alone: [[177903015598419]]
Not Bad : [[NotBaad]]
F*** yeah : [[105387672833401]]
Challenge accepted: [[100002727365206]]
Okay face: [[100002752520227]]
Dumb b***h: [[218595638164996]]
Poker face [[129627277060203]]
Okay face [[224812970902314]]
Official rage face [[FUUUOFFICIAL]]
No [[167359756658519]]
MOG [[142670085793927]]
Feel like a sir [[168040846586189]]
Forever alone christmas. [[125038607580286]] 

ponedjeljak, 30. siječnja 2012.

How to make facebook smileys

How to make facebook smileys

Well,if you think how to make facebook smileys during chat this is right place to be but if you thinking about making your own smileys for using them on facebook you should check some of developers forums. Facebook have big forum just for people who develops all kind of stuff for facebook like games,apps and graphics. Actually you can draw your own facebook smileys in windows draw but how to import them to facebook I actually don't know. Sorry about that.

utorak, 24. siječnja 2012.

Facebook status shapes heart

Shapes for facebook status - hearts

Here we start with some big shapes for your status. We'll start with hearts. Enjoy.
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